Frederick A. Senese

Department of Chemistry
354 Compton Hall
Frostburg State University

Frostburg, MD 21532-1099

Office: (301) 687-4153
Home: (301) 689-1896
FAX: (301) 687-7966

Fred Senese

objective Design, development, and delivery of reusable learning objects for science education. Tailoring learning management systems for chemical education. Freelance science writing, Web editing, and Web design.
research interests Applications of artificial intelligence in chemical education
Development of web-based narratives and construction kits for chemical education
Remote control and access of instrumentation
Environmental chemical analysis applied to problems in ethnobotany
experience Professor, Department of Chemistry, Frostburg State University, Frostburg MD, 1992-present. Taught courses at all levels of the curriculum, including general chemistry, environmental chemical analysis, physical chemistry, and computational chemistry.
Educational Media Consultant. Clients include the Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning, Rice University, Houston, TX, 2000-2002 and John Wiley & Sons (2002- present). Design and implementation of Macromedia Flash learning oobjects.
Visiting Scientist, NASA-Langley Research Center, Hampton VA, 1992. Under cooperative agreement from Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk, VA. Theoretical investigations of stratospheric nitrate and nitric acid hydration complexes.

Research Scientist, NASA-Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, 1989-1991. Employment under contract with Analytical Services and Materials, Inc., Hampton VA and under grant from Old Dominion University Research Foundation, Norfolk VA.

  • Developed, coded, and ported a new embedded cluster technique for computing the electronic properties of very large chemical systems from first principles.
  • Migrated electronic structure codes including GAMESS to vector, parallel, and RISC UNIX environments. First GAMESS port to Hewlett-Packard workstations.
  • Systems administration on SPARC and HPUX workstations.
  • Software and hardware evaluation and benchmarking.

Invited Scientist, Cornell Theory Center, 1986. Intensive programming experience in vector and parallel supercomputer environments.

Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant, Department of Chemistry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg VA, 1985-1989. Supervised junior and senior level physical chemistry laboratory; lectured large theory sections for freshman honors chemistry; designed laboratory experiments in computational chemistry. Developed a novel full configuration interaction method for modeling the electronic structure of small molecules.

education Ph. D., Physical Chemistry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Va, 1989. Emphasis: Computational Chemistry.

B. S., Chemistry, The Pennsylvania State University, State College PA. 1984.

Analyzing and Solving Chemistry Problems, a general chemistry supplement co-authored with James E. Brady and published by John Wiley and Sons in July, 2002.
Chemistry: Matter and Its Changes, a general chemistry textbook co-authored with James E. Brady and published by John Wiley and Sons in January, 2004.
General Chemistry Online!, an internationally recognized resource for students and teachers of introductory chemistry. Interactive tutorials, quizzes, databases, and tools on the site use CGI and Javascripts written from scratch. Includes interactive molecular models and searchable databases of glossary terms, frequently asked questions, and Web site reviews.
selected awards & scholarships Scientific American 2004 Science & Technology Web Award. Scientific American lists General Chemistry Online as one of the 50 best science and technology sites on the Web in 2004.

Citations by the National Science Teachers Association and the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for General Chemistry Online (2001).

Career Profile in the Spring 2001 issue of Chemistry, a quarterly magazine published by the American Chemical Society.

Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education "Best Paper" selection for "The Internet Chemistry Set", presented at ED-MEDIA 2000.

Best of the Web 2000 selection by the San Francisco Chronicle, Education category, for General Chemistry Online!.

American Library Association CHOICE listing for General Chemistry Online.

Rated Outstanding in student and peer-reviewed teaching evaluations every semester since Spring 1992.

Granted Tenure, November 1996, 4 years after appointment as assistant professor; promoted to associate professor, April 1999; promoted to full professor, April 2005.

Virginia Commonwealth Fellowship, a multidisciplinary statewide competition with 25 finalists.

special skills Multimedia design and programming. Original database-driven learning objects, vector graphics, animations, and interactive media, from design to delivery. Extensive experience with:
CGI/Perl programming
XML and JavaScript
Macromedia Flash / ActionScript/ XML.
Mathematical Typesetting with TEX and LaTEX

Server and Network Administration. Experience in maintaining, upgrading, troubleshooting, and networking Sun, Hewlett-Packard, and Compaq workstations. Installation and administration of mail, file, Web, and streaming media services. Extensive experience with Apache, Perl, Gnu, and server-side scripting.

Scientific Programming. Software development including natural language parsing, simulations, instrument interfaces, data acquisition, and data analysis codes for a variety of languages and platforms.

recent presentations Keynote Presentation: "Just Ask Marie: A Conversational Agent for Web-based Chemical Education", 158th 2YC3 Conference - Web-Enhanced Learning, Florida Community College Jacksonville, Jacksonville FL 32246 (April 5-6, 2002).
Invited Talk: "Building Remote Laboratory Interfaces with Flash and LabView", 158th 2YC3 Conference - Web-Enhanced Learning, Florida Community College Jacksonville, Jacksonville FL 32246 (April 5-6, 2002).

"The Internet Chemistry Set: Remote Laboratory Experiences for Chemical Education", Chemistry and the Internet 2000 - Best Practices in Education, Georgetown University, Washington DC, Sept. 23-27, 2000.
"Determination of capsaicinoids in red peppers", (poster with Jennifer L. Kile), American Chemical Society National Meeting, Baltimore MD, August 23, 2000.
"The Internet Chemistry Set", EDMEDIA 2000 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Educational Telecommunications, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Montreal, Canada, June 26-July 1, 2000
(selected as one of six best-of-conference)
professional affiliations Member, Virginia Tech Chemistry Advisory Council
Member, American Chemical Society
Member, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
Member, Council on Undergraduate Research

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Copyright © 1999-2005 by F. Senese
Last Revised 02/23/18.