CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
MatWeb: The Free Online Materials Properties Database This quintessential handbook contains data for about 2500 inorganic compounds and 12000 organic compounds. Relevant physical properties listed include crystal structure, color, solubility, melting points, boiling points, heats of formation, heats of vaporization, heats of fusion, entropies, heat capacities, critical pressure and temperature, vapor pressure, and optical properties. (Book/CDROM; no Web access). (12/12/98)
NIST Chemistry WebBook A growing database of properties of industrial materials, including densities and other physical properties, as well as mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. (7/25/98)
Thermo Explorer Property and spectral data for elements, organic compounds, and small inorganic compounds can be retrieved by chemical formula, name, partial formula, CAS registry number, molecular weight, or by thermochemical properties. The database includes thermochemical data (enthalpies, entropies, heat capacities, ...) for several phases and for reactions and phase transitions, ion energetics data (ionization energies, electron affinities, ...) and spectroscopic information (IR, UV, visible, and mass spectra). (7/25/98)
Thermo Properties Page A "chemical engineering calculator" that searches a database of 600 common compounds to give boiling points, melting points, critical points, dipole moments, liquid densities, and plots of vapor pressure and heat capacity over specific temperature ranges. (7/25/98)Select a pure substance or a mixture from a list of about 300 compounds to calculate liquid and vapor densities, enthalpies, heat capacities, and compositions at an input temperature and pressure. Calculations are based on the empirical Peng-Robinson equation of state. You can calculate dew points, bubble points, enthalpy-pressure diagrams, and pressure-volume diagrams by following links on the bottom of the page. (11/19/99)
Copyright © 1997-2010 by Fred Senese
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Last Revised 02/23/18.URL: