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|  | Tutorial, Drill, and Quiz IndexQuiz: The Scientific Method Quiz: Significant Figures Tutorial: Arithmetic with units Tutorial: Introduction to unit conversion Tutorial: Uncertainty in measurement  | How uncertainty arises from length, temperature, and volume measurements. How to count significant figures for a single measurement and for a series of measurements. How to round measurements to the correct number of significant figures. A table of contents is available.
/cgi-bin/senese/tutorials/sigfig/index.cgi |
Quiz: Classifying properties Quiz: Classifying matter Quiz: Dalton's atomic theory Quiz: Classifying compounds Quiz: Names and formulas of polyatomic ions Quiz: Interpreting formulas Isomer Construction Set  | Your mission: build all the isomers of octane, starting from propane. A Chime version of this tutorial is in the works, but no plugins are required for this simple exercise. /cgi-bin/senese/tutorials/isomer/index.cgi (4/19/98) |
Quiz: Ionic equations Quiz: Empirical gas laws |