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Dalton's atomic theory: Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 Back Next

The law of fixed composition

Portrait of John Dalton

Quiz: Dalton's Atomic Theory

1. Dalton suggested that atoms were indestructible and unchangeble to explain:
why elements combine in fixed weight ratios to form compounds
why mass is conserved in chemical reactions
why elements are characterized by the mass of their atoms
why compounds combine in fixed weight ratios in chemical reactions
2. When elements react, their atoms combine in:
1:1 ratios
a simple whole number ratio (unique for each pair of elements)
arbitrary proportions
simple whole number ratios (more than one possible)
3. 1.008 grams of hydrogen combines with 35.453 g of chlorine to form 36.463 g of a pure compound (hydrogen chloride). Dalton's explanation for this experimental fact might be:
this is a simple mixture of elements because the ratio isn't a whole number ratio
chlorine accepts hydrogen's electron to form polar covalent hydrogen chloride
hydrogen and chlorine atoms always combine in a 1:35 ratio.
hydrogen and chlorine atoms aren't created or destroyed in the process so the reactant mass is the same as the product mass.
one atom of hydrogen combines with 35.453 atoms of chlorine in this reaction
4. Hydrogen combines with nitrogen in a 3:14 weight ratio to form ammonia. If every molecule of ammonia contains three atoms of hydrogen and one atom of nitrogen, an atom of nitrogen must weigh:
3 times the mass of a hydrogen atom14/3 times the mass of a hydrogen atom
14 times the mass of a hydrogen atom3/14 times the mass of a hydrogen atom
5. Dalton viewed chemical change as:
a change of atoms from one type into anothera nuclear exchange
creation and destruction of atomsa rearrangement of atoms
a transfer of protonsa transfer of electrons

Dalton's Atomic Theory
Page 1: Introduction
Page 2: Dalton's assumptions Five steps forward and one step back.
Page 3: Atoms in compounds An "invisible hand" fixes atom ratios in compounds
Page 4: Atoms in reactions Dance of the atoms
Page 5: Learning check Take a quiz on Dalton's Atomic Theory
Page 6: References and resources

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Copyright © 1997-2005 by Fred Senese
Comments & questions to fsenese@frostburg.edu
Last Revised 02/23/18.URL: http://antoine.frostburg.edu/chem/senese/101/atoms/dalton-quiz.shtml